When was the last time you felt MOVED to grow?
Do you struggle SILENTLY and believe you have to deal with sadness on your own?
Depression | Low Self-Esteem | Lack of Motivation
Does it seem like you just can't move on from the challenges you faced in the past?
Trauma | Mood Swings | Feeling Shame
Do you feel on edge, worried, and rarely feel relaxed?
Anxiety | Stress | Over-Thinking

Get to know me!
I became a therapist because I know what it's like to struggle silently with mental health issues. I had decided that I had to do it all on my own. Well the truth is that you don't have to drown in your own problems. I believe that each person has the potential to create the life they want. I am here to hold your experience with care and acceptance, and guide you towards the empowered person that you are. I am here to TRULY listen to what you have to say and help you find a loving connection with yourself. I am here to lift you up and learn from your unique story. Let's connect online and get started!
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